Mysterious Writers

Mysterious Writers
Now on Kindle, B&N, Sony

Monday, July 12, 2010

Seventy-five writers of mystery, suspense, thrillers and crime have been interviewed and they've given advice to aspiring writers. This collection is unparalleled in content and a must for everyone considering writing in any of the mystery subgenres. The book is available at

Mysterious Writers received the following 5-star review on

This is one of the most compelling, interesting and completely inspirational collections of mystery and suspense authors I have ever read. A wonderful collection and such a wide array of authorial voices to choose from that you in a sense get the entire rainbow or gamut of points of view. The collection really proves the old saying that there are many rivers to the ocean as each author hits on his or her methods and tools and what constitutes important in the way of storytelling. Anyone fascinated with mysteries and suspense and intrigue will love this book, whether a reader, a veteran author, or a new or aspiring author. Highly recommended, this book ought to win an award. Jean Henry [Mead], editor, ought to win an award for bringing such a wonderful collection to us all. (Robert W. Walker)

Quotes from the book include:

Elmore Leonard: "Don’t go into great detail describing places and things."

Carolyn Hart: "Care passionately about what you write. If you care, somewhere an editor will care."

Jeffrey Deaver: "Write the sort of book you enjoy reading. Outline the books of your favorite authors (the successful ones only!) and study how they create their fiction. Write your own outline. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite and rewrite. Ignore rejection. Keep writing; never stop!"

Nancy Pickard: be patient with yourself and your writing. Doctors aren't built in a day, neither are lawyers, neither are plumbers, neither are teachers or truck drivers, and neither are writers. It takes a long time to get good enough to be published. Give yourself that time and try to enjoy it! "

John Gilstrap: "First, write, write, and write. Continually hone your craft. Second, quit listening to all the naysayers who love to tell you that the industry is dying and that it’s impossible anymore to get published through traditional means. It simply is not true."

Louise Penny: "Believe in yourself. Never give up. Make sure your 'critic' isn't trying to write the first draft. And a bit of advice I got from an editor who turned down my first book. He said, 'New writers commonly make three mistakes, and you've made all three. The book is too long, too many characters and too many ideas.' I decided he was right. I'd tried to put everything I'd ever learned or thought into that first book. Every character I'd wanted to write showed up. And as a result, it was WAY too long."

All this for the low ebook sale price of $3.82 at The book is also available in large print for $44.95.